Beats Workin’

D.J. Service


Information needed:                                                                                                                                                            Page 1


1.        Groom’s name:______________________________________________________________________



2.        Brides name:________________________________________________________________________



3.        Date of  dance:_______________________________________________________________________



4.        Location of dance (name/address/phone):__________________________________________________



5.        Dance start/end time:_________________________________________________________________



6.        Dinner music start time:_______________________________________________________________



7.        The earliest time that I can get in to set up the system:_______________________________________


Numbers (8, 9, 10, 11, and 12) are requests that I have been asked to play before: Just enter N/A for any that you do not want to use.


8.        Bride/groom dance: song/artist__________________________________________________________



9.        Bridal party dance: song/artist___________________________________________________________



10.     Parents’ dance: song/artist_____________________________________________________________



11.     Father/daughter dance: song/artist_______________________________________________________



12.     Dollar dance: music type (slow,fast,etc)__________________________________________________



13.     Any other special dance: song/artist______________________________________________________



14.     List songs that you do not want played: see page 2


15.     List songs that you would like played: see page 3


16.     List your top artists: see page 4



Beats Workin’

P.O Box 28212

St. Paul, MN 55128


Contact:  Greg Olstad  (651) 260-2862 or (651) 730-5755                                       


Please return all 4 pages.